
How Does Holden Caulfield Change

Decent Essays

The change of Holden Caulfield

Holden’s parents as it seemed in the book they didn't necessarily fill the large role of parenthood. holden from a young age wasn't given all the attention he needed as a young child . his parents loved him but just weren't present in his life because of the working obligations they had. We can see this when Holden says “ and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me and all..” (Salinger 1). We can see a clear absence of his parent's figures when he gets kicked out of boarding school and they didn't find out until he had the mental break down. At this point, it is clear that Holden Caulfield has an underlying mental condition. He failed out of four schools; …show more content…

It is clear to me that Holden has well I wouldn't say communication problems but very close to it. I see that when he goes on the date with Sally Hayes it exhibited his difficulty at cooperating with others. At first, he gives us a dire impression of Sally, “I wasn’t too crazy about her, but I’d known her for years.” (slainger105) I see that holden doesn't want to necessary express himself and suppress his feeling and affection to seem he is tough. I would implore holding to go out in the world and act like how he really is and not to make a fake false persona of himself. Holden is suspended between adulthood and childhood. Several of his actions and words show evidence of his confusion between adults and children. Admitting to his immaturity, Holden says, “I was sixteen then, and I’m seventeen now, and sometimes I act like I’m about thirteen.” (Salinger 9) Sunny, the prostitute is an example of Holden’s attempt to be an adult, but realizing he is stuck in childhood. You see my son is really trying to be someone he is not and I think that his school life has an important role in that.

When holding attended pencey prep he always wanted to not be the one standing out see he would join clicks so he wouldn't get bullied because my son is a pacifist. I would have to take Holden out of school a probably homeschool him because I think interaction with high school children is not necessarily right for him. I mean yes interaction is necessary but not in an environment where 15-18-year-olds feel like they rule. I understand that Holden has a strong relationship with his sister so I would continue to make him interact with her and care for her because seemingly that brings him

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