
How Successful Was The Preamble Dbq

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Preamble Essay

After 1776, radical change occurred that led our forefathers to create The Preamble. This document is the opening statement to the United States Constitution. Its purpose is to explain why the men writing the Constitution created our government. The Preamble does not provide any laws or assign any certain kind of power. It delivers what the founding fathers intentions were when they wrote the Constitution. The United States had some successes and unfortunately some failures when it came to accomplishing its goals during its early ascendancy because they were able to make the U.S. safe at high costs, and was able to make themselves into a powerhouse of a country.
The United States was in not successful in accomplishing the goal that the framers wanted of promoting for the general welfare. This means someone or something creating positive change and actions for …show more content…

These Acts consisted of four laws that started in 1798 to reduce the political power of immigrants to the U.S. Citizenship took 14 years instead of 5 years. The Alien Act allowed the President to force non-Americans who might be dangerous to leave the country. The Alien Deportation Act allowed for the arrest and deportation of any non-American during wartime. The Sedition Act made writing lies a crime. This act was unconstitutional because it violated the freedom of speech policy. When you violate something that you created, then you are not promoting general welfare. How can someone be following a constitutional act correctly , and be arrested. The U.S. should be ashamed that they broke a constitutional law to try to reduce political power that definitely isn't working for the best interest of everybody in the U.S. This goal is not being met. Although the people or government think they might be doing something good, they tend to hurt people such as slaves, Native Americans, children or even the

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