
What Are The 6 Preamble's Goals

Decent Essays

The Preamble; a profound one sentence prelude to the Constitution. It states the purpose and gives outlook to why the constitution was established and its intent. The Preamble comprises of bold words and phrases that highlight key points to the meaning of the document. It summarizes six different goals or reasons to what the constitution plans to uphold. Those six goals, were intended to creat greatness to the country and show what the United states would stand for, life and pursuit to happiness.
The Beacon Learning gives a breakdown of the Preamble, starting with; We the people of the Unites States meaning all citizens of the United States (The Meaning of the United States Preamble). Following are the goals or reasons that will summarize the Constitution. To form a more perfect union, establish justice and insure domestic tranquility. These three goals mean. To make everything in our country as perfect as possible, begin fairness for all and promise that everything in our country will be peaceful (The Meaning of the United States Preamble). Last set of goals, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity and do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Meaning, give protection to everyone, care for those …show more content…

Assure them that the constitution would address and tackle any and all obstacles that were bad or blocking them from becoming great. The interpertion I received from reading the preamble is the massive vernacular that’s used was to persuade the citizens, that everything in the document is guaranteed. Beginning the Preamble off with, “We the people” makes it seems as the citizens came together to create the document and not one person is delegating rules or reasons. By using those words would make it easier to enforce the rules because everyone plays a

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