
Immigration Reform

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In this paper I will discuss how the United States needs a new immigration policy that is based less on wishful thinking and more on realism. Spending vast sums of money trying to enforce arbitrary numerical limits on immigration that bear no relationship to economic reality is a fool’s errand. We need flexible limits on immigration that rise and fall with U.S. labor demand, coupled with strict enforcement of tough wage and labor laws that protect all workers, regardless of where they were born. We need to respect the natural human desire for family reunification, while recognizing that even family-based immigrants are unlikely to come here if jobs are not available. And we need to …show more content…

They also revised permanent immigration admission classes. Most permanent visas are distrusted to family related classes, while about one-fifth are committed to employment based classes(Beacon,2008). AS before, close relatives of U.S citizens, spouses, minor children, and parents are exempt from numerical limitations. Although U.S immigration law has changed in the past four decades, family reunification remains the cornerstone priority. Of the 1.1 million persons who became legal permanent residents in 2010, two-thirds were immigrants with family ties in the Unites States(Beacon,2008). Only 15 percent of legal permanent residents admitted in 2010 were sponsored by U.S employer. The remaining 20 percent of green cards went to other groups, such as Green Card Diversity Lottery winners, refugees, and people receiving asylum who were eligible to become legal permanent residents, and others. Critics of the amendments maintain that the United States admits too many family based immigrants, who tend to be lower skilled and less educated(Bruno,2010). Two laws passed (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act)greatly limited the access of legal permanent residents to welfare benefits, made unauthorized migrants ineligible for most public benefits, and placed greater responsibility on sponsors to support family members. In particular, immigration policies enforcing financial support as a prerequisite for family sponsorship,

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