
Impact of the Light Bulb and Cell Phone on Society

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When one reflects on the past century, it is astonishing how much technology has evolved in every sense. From light bulbs that lasted only ten hours, to bulbs that can now last over ten thousand hours. From a simple cellular phone only capable of making phone calls, to today’s smartphones that have effectively changed the way we interact with one another. Although there will always be opponents of technology, there is no denying that is has positively impacted modern society, and the way we live, work, and communicate. Thomas Alva Edison In today’s society, when a light bulb goes out, we think nothing of it. It is easy to drive to the closest store, purchase the appropriate bulb for next to nothing, and replace the burnt out bulb. …show more content…

Similar to the complexities of the Boeing 747 “super jet”, “No single person can comprehend the entire workings” of a cell phone. The cell phone found in the pocket of the majority of citizens of the world today include GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G networks, LTE, high-resolution cameras and millions of downloadable user-made applications to choose from. In fewer than 30 years, the cell phone went from a rare device only attainable by the wealthiest of the population, to a device that a large percentage of the population now owns. Whether on the streets of downtown Toronto, or a small village in poverty-stricken East Africa, it is becoming increasingly rare to find a person who does not own a mobile device. Similar to the light bulb, the cell phone began as a modest product with a modest purpose, and underwent multiple, complex revisions to result in the current models manufactured today. If one examines the cell phone’s impact on our culture, it is evident that it has had both a positive and a negative impact on society. Without a doubt, the largest positive impact has been its ability to make day-to-day life less complicated, and ultimately, easier. Among a never-ending list of examples are: the ability to set reminders for appointments, meetings and important dates, an endless array of how-to and

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