
Inclusion Proposal

Decent Essays

I am writing this proposal so that you may consider inclusion as the primary way of providing students with disabilities access to education by way of the least restrictive environment. While inclusion helps fulfill the federal mandate of IDEA, it also has a profound impact on the students with disabilities themselves as well as general education students and teachers.

The first reason I am recommending Inclusion is because, simply put, it is the law. Even though the word “inclusion” is not a part of the language of the IDEA, passed in 1975, the mandate of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is, and it can be successfully accomplished through inclusion (IDEA Basics: LRE Video). And one cannot help but see that inclusion is the goal when looking at the LRE Continuum of Placement chart. Levels 1 through 7 require a student with disabilities be present in a regular school and levels 1 through eight require some amount of participation in a classroom with students who do not have a disability (Continuum Placement chart). In fact, not including a student with disabilities into a general education classroom should only be considered if all other options have been exhausted.

Another reason to consider inclusion is the impact it will have on the student with a disability both from an educational standpoint and as it relates …show more content…

General education students are able to learn how to be patient with others and how to accept and interact with those who are different from themselves. General education teachers are naturally called upon to stretch their teaching methods to include students who may learn differently from a general education student, and they may find that they can reach other challenging students such as English language learners or gifted students in the same fashion (Inclusion Education

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