
Inclussive Teaching Essay

Decent Essays

Problem background
Many children face big challenges because of the inclusive education, with a greater number from poorer countries failing to attend schools while the others from rich countries attending classes but ends up leaving unworthy qualifications (Ainscow, 2). Disabled students have the right to good education and feel free to interact with others in classrooms which help them to get rid of loneliness and therefore reducing the stresses.
Research question
From the research question, the argument is about the children with special needs having different teaching strategies from those of other students. Strategies on how to assess children with special needs should be different from that used on other students …show more content…

The specific objectives include: to study the behavior of the disabled students when put in class with the other able students; to study the different need which require attentive measures on different disabilities; to study the different teaching styles used in educating disabled students in inclusive education; and to identify the barriers and facilitators to inclusive education.

Significance of the study The study of inclusive education is of greater significance as it gives the reasons why this type of education should be included in schools today. Suzanne gives the importance of inclusive education as the ways of approach for creating inclusive classrooms and school, and suggests that their purpose is to give prospective and practicing teachers background information in curricular, instructional, assessment, and collaborative problem-solving strategies that foster inclusive education (55).
The research body
Literature review
This analyzes the review of the previous projects done by other people concerning the same topic and what conclusions and recommendations given. Many writers give the importance of inclusive education, its benefits to those students who come from poor families and the social impacts created in adopting such a system.
Challenges faced by students and facilitators in inclusive education
The students in the inclusive education, both the able and disabled students, face many

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