
Insulin In The Pancreas

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When a person’s body becomes immune to insulin or when the pancreas stops making insulin that’s when it progresses. No one really knows the cause, but genetics and environmental factors, such as excess weight and inactivity, appear to provide a part in it. Insulin is a hormone that comes from the pancreas.18 When the pancreas produces insulin it goes into bloodstream. So when insulin moves around it lets sugar go into the cells. Then insulin lowers the quantity of sugar into the bloodstream. When the blood sugar level trickles so does the production of insulin in the pancreas.18

Now glucose is the primary source of energy for the cells that form the muscles and other tissues.18 Glucose comes from the food you eat and your liver. With the assistance of insulin glucose is drawn into the bloodstream. Fact: the liver stores and makes glucose so when the glucose levels are low like when you haven’t eaten in a while, the …show more content…

Metabolic syndrome deals with a bunch of conditions usually with people who are insulin resistant which includes: “higher than normal blood glucose levels, increased weight size due to excess abdominal fat, high blood pressure, abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.”19 The best ways to get rid of this syndrome is by losing weight, exercising, progressing the body’s response to insulin can reduce the cause of type two diabetes. Scientists believe that beta cell dysfunction is the main cause for type two diabetes. This dysfunction can cause insufficient or unusual patterns of insulin release. Although scientists have not found the cause of this beta cell dysfunction which causes type two diabetes, in most cases.19 This goes back to genetic inheritance in which the genes involved control the creation of the beta cells. One cause under investigation of beta cell dysfunction is having a poor diet early in the person’s life which causes type two

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