
Intelligence Trainer Position

Decent Essays

I am writing to address a perception of institution legacy and/or biases in the selection and hiring practices for federal civil service position at TRADOC G2, G27 OE-TSC. This inquire respectfully request a review of the government selection process, after the CPAC referral listing is forwarded, to ensure selection is based upon an individual qualifications (i.e. experience, education and expertise) rather then cronyism practices. The organizations proceive lack of diversity in civil service selection for open positions are alarming and a cause for concern for equity.
During my tenure, I have witness the selection and sequential hiring for government positions that were made from individuals that had acquaintance with past/present senior officials, which may influence or favor selection of candidates. This process have created an illusion that selections are based on the organization hierarchy for preselection individuals that simulates a process of nation building of like individuals …show more content…

In _______I applied for Intelligence Trainer positions (attachment 1). These positions were advertised for two separated position, a team lead and exercise deputy director. My Resume was referred and sequentially received an interview for deputy director position, but was not selected for the lposition. I was not considered for the lesser position, team lead, and believed no interview was conducted and the incumbent contractor was selected. The incumbent contractors were also selected for the deputy position. The deputy director position was again advertised when the individual unexpectedly resigning the position. I then reapplied and my resume was forwarded again for consideration but failed to receive an interview on the second

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