
Is Online Learning Better Than Face?

Decent Essays

d. And then comes the ‘biggie’: Is Online Learning Better than face-to-face Learning in terms of Learner Outcomes?

The question of which method is better for learning, and teaching, is the elephant in the room!! I think that is a question that will continue to be debated, but I also believe it’s not something that will ever be proven 100% more effective one way or the other. There are too many variables that will come into play with this. The main one being the student. I at the ripe age of 18 years old, with my high school diploma in hand would not have done well at all in an online-only environment. I was way too undisciplined to put in the time, energy, effort for that. Being forced into attending a classroom made a huge …show more content…

Every class at an institution can always be a tad bit different depending on the audience.

One more piece of the puzzle to consider, and this one I would put in the pro column for online learning, is environment…and more specifically, distance. Distance learning has enabled me to get a Master 's degree. It’s a dream of mine to attend UA, but now that I have a career and family it’s not practical to move them to Tuscaloosa for this. I believe there are other people who are further away than myself who are attending this class as well!! The online learning world has opened the possibility for students to attend college no matter where they are located. That is absolutely a benefit. It also allowed many of us to have real life jobs and attend school as well.

Disability can also play a role in whether an online or face-to-face course is the better option for an individual. A student with chronic health issues may not be able to attend class consistently but would have more leeway in completing assignments online in their own time. Students with mobility issues may struggle to get across a large campus in the ten minutes between classes, which is not an issue in an online environment. Of course, in a synchronous online course, a technical malfunction can be disastrous, but an asynchronous course allows time for the student to fix the issue or find an alternative, as long as

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