
Kingsbury Hotel Case Study

Better Essays

I. Introduction to the assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to write a report about the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of Kingsbury hotel. Throughout the research the chosen organization will be evaluated mainly on three areas such as,
1) Customer service strategies
2) Management of customer relationships
3) Evaluation of customer service

According to Business (2015), customer relationship management is referred to as the ‘management philosophy according to which a company’s goals can be best achieved through identification and satisfaction of the customers’ stated and unstated needs and wants’.

As explained in the above definition, customer relationship management contributes majorly towards the …show more content…

Practicing CRM in an organization is beneficial in many ways. Few of these benefits include: customer satisfaction leading to loyal customers, increased sales, consistency in services offered at all times of the year, help to evaluate efficiency levels of front line employees and decide the future plans for the organization etc. Following figure 1.3 shows the key components of a successful CRM.

Figure 1.3 Key components of a successful CRM

Source: (Elinext, 2013)
1. Strategy The hotel is setting its business objectives and goals with the involvement of CRM to be successful in the business and to be exceptional in customer service.


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