
Labor Relation In The Workplace

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The age of “technology” has changed communication in both our personal and professional lives with the advent of social media. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and others have global connections to the external world. The readiness of I-pads, laptops and smart phones has provided both the individual and organizations alike to have instantaneous engagement to a broad and large audience over one or all of the social media networks. The relationship between the employee and the organization can be tested if company social media policies are to broad or restrict the employee’s rights under the labor laws protected by the National Labor Relation Act (NLRA) under Section 7 and Section 8. On the other hand, the organization is seeking …show more content…

This protection extends to certain work-related conversations conducted on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter” (NLRB, n.d.). Employers, according to NLRB, are within their right to discharge an employee for comments made against the company “if” the company has a well-defined and lawful social media policies protecting employee rights under Section 7 and Section 8 of the NLRA. However, a company/organization does have lawful rights to discipline an employee or enforce language in the SMP’s “if” the company uniformly enforces the SMPs, if the employee reveals trade secrets, criticizes customers, or creates a hostile work environment and poses potential liability to the company, as long as section 7 and 8 NLRA rights of the employee are not …show more content…

AMR, to answer and discuss the questions posed of how one may represent the company in this case, one must ask, if I were the company representative and the regional director for the NLRB asked “If the company would settle the union’s charges voluntarily, or if they company would legally insist on pursuing the company’s right for a formal NLRB hearing of the charges”, how would I respond? As the company representative I would recommend that the company should voluntarily settle with the union to address the matter, due to the ambiguous or broad SMP that infringe or interfere with Souza’s rights under Section 7 and Section 8 of the National Labor Relation Act. Further, the AMR supervisor’s refusal to allow Souza her rights under the collective bargaining agreement, to allow opportunity to meet with her local union representative and that they be present to help with her incident report which is found to be unfair labor practice under the Act, (NLRA) was not in good

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