
Labor Unions In The Workplace

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Unions allow workers to fight for what they believe in, gives them a chance to have a vote and a voice and to protests against the things that are not fair. The flip side of this is that workers can be out of work; if they picket or protest for days, weeks or months until some agreement is reached if any. If workers persist in voting for union representation, all they have earned is the right to bargain. Firms can then stall, evade, drag out the negotiations, and make sure things go nowhere. (Sinyai, 2009). This can lead to bigger problems for the workers because the longer they are out of work the longer they go without pay. However I think that it is important to have labor unions to represent workers that have no political say in the work place, in the private as well as the public work force, workers should have the choice to be a part of a union if they choose to …show more content…

Virtually all large corporations and many smaller ones are politically active. (McGraw-Hill 2011). With larger groups like UAW they push to promote policies that are beneficial to workers and union members. These unions are indispensable; yes this can be critical for huge group like the United Auto workers. However; those who work alongside managers, such as technicians or service workers, it can be difficult for them to be a part of a union, because these workers are normally with their managers most of the time. Group organization that form unions, seem to have a stronger stance then those of induvial public or private unions. Groups tend to get their resources for their political activities from economic activity; these groups also include business firms and labor unions. (McGraw-Hill 2009). P.308. The more powerful the labor union is, the better the outcome. Yes Labor Union are indispensable because there are no other proof that the working-class; will make decent wages, have safe working conditions, or a voice on their job. By having these union can help and will continue to support the working

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