
Labour Union Research Paper

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Labor Unions Labor Unions are groups of worker commonly with the same profession with the objective to protect and regulate their rights, interests, and benefits. Some examples of their interests are wages, memberships, contacts, and state and federal regulations as well. Unions began their story during the 19th century as an effect of the industry revolution. People might have lack of information about what union have done for us. lets go back and see how Unions have impact our society specially our labor environment. Maternity Leave, weekends off, overtime recognition, fair wages, out long discrimination, ending child labor, health coverage and sick days, Protection for whistleblowers, also the Union protect specially those workers who are below the income scale. …show more content…

Let try this, same scenario, but you need to go the hospital because the high fever level, but you do not have health insurance, so add the medical cost plus the portion of your day off and the responsibility of pay the rent? Today, you can ask for sick days without showing a medical prove with a limit of absent days. This is possible due to the Labor Unions accomplishments. Another scenario is being a single mother and have not option more than go to work the next day after you gave birth and leave your child in a daycare. That would be if the Labor unions did not fight for maternity leave benefits. There are several reasons why Labor Unions are playing a very important role in our society; however, only 1:5 of workers join or support labor unions, and that is why people only hear about the negative about those organizations. As any organization, Labor Unions have both sides, the positive and negative. These are some pros and cons to have a clearly idea of being or become a member of these organizations.

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