
Legalization Of Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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Close your eyes and imagine for a moment. You now have a child who suffers from extreme, almost constant, terrifying seizures. Unfortunately, none of the medicine prescribed in the past has worked. In fact, some medication even makes the seizures worse. Suddenly, doctors discover a medicine that has the potential to reduce seizures and sometimes stop them all together, therefore improving your child’s quality of life. They have turned that medicine into safe drops, vapor, and pills. Would you want to at least give the medicine a try? Would you want to give your child some relief? If you answered yes, then you have just proven that it is not the medicine that people feel uneasy about, it is the stigma of the name of plant the medicine comes from, marijuana.
Marijuana has been around for a very long time and while it used to be treated as a medicine for …show more content…

Have they truly forgotten about morphine and its origins? Morphine is, essentially, heroin, but we still allow its active use in hospitals all around the country. What about oxycodone, and other pain meds? You can get addicted to those, right? They can get you high just like any other drug you may find on the street. We know all of this, but that does not stop us from allowing someone access to them when they are in need of them. Why should it be different with cannabis?
Because of how so many of us look at medical marijuana, we make it really hard for families who need access to these medicines. Time and time again, family after family will have to give up everything they have so they can move to a state that allows them access to the medicine their children could not survive without. Veterans who come back broken from the wars are given prescription after prescription that turns them into zombies instead of something, that actually is known to treat anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms, all because it comes from a plant some people have a negative opinion

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