
Mainstream Criminology Essay

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The indication throughout time has raised the argument that mainstream knowledge about crime and punishment should be challenged. Authority within mainstream criminology should be opposed which is a central theme in critical criminology which origins from Marxism and postmodernism. This perspective contains various theories and views that by and large argue successfully why power should be opposed. Critical criminology attempts to evaluate crime as a social construction as well as concentrating on the biases of the criminal justice system in terms of aspects of wealth, age, gender and class. It is defined as a range of criminological viewpoints that tackle core understandings of conventional criminology providing substitute views of understanding crime (Ugwudike, …show more content…

As a result, this critical view seeks to address the underlying complications with social reality and questions individual prejudices. Consequently, this leads to a wider range of critical views which will be explored through Feminist and Marxist perspectives. However, the validity of this approach to challenge mainstream understandings of crime also has its weaknesses. For instance, is seems to be overly critical of power structures in traditional criminology and disregarding the potential economic benefits it brings. Indeed, punishment in this instance is applied to all societies regardless of social class and that in such contemporary democratic societies not all authority is controlled by the ruling class. There is certainly no secretive technique from the government to maintain its legitimacy and control as previously suggested by French philosopher Michel Foucault. Another critical perspective is feminism which states that female criminality has been fabricated and that biological and psychological factors determine thought on female

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