
Management and Performance

Better Essays


Activity 1-16 :

1.1 Why is it necessary to consult relevant groups and individuals about the work to be allocated and the resources they will need?

It is always advisable to consult with individuals and groups about work allocations to determine what needs to be done and who has the necessary skill and experience to carry out work tasks.
The people who need to use the resources should be consulted to find out what they need and when it will be needed. In this way budgets and resource plans can be made to accommodate these needs.

Consultation involves employees and gives value and importnace to their ideas and Inputs by: a) making them feel valued b) encouraging ownership of improvement needs, problem solving and …show more content…

The code establishes standards by which staff and management conduct themselves towards other staff or colleagues, government authorities and the general community and perform their duties and obligations.

A code of conduct is generally established on the following organisational values: integrity, honesty, conscientiousness, compassion, courtesy, fairness, and respect,
The successful development of an ethical environment relies on individuals being responsible for their own professional behaviour within the provisions of the code and for compliance with the legislation (national, state and local government) that impacts on the organisation and the work done.

4.2 In what ways might it be possible to confirm work outputs with relevant teams and individuals and what things might be considered in terms of work outputs?

conformation might take the form of written plans, and verbal collaboration—face-to-face in meetings or as part of a one-to-one consultation. When confirming plans it is necessary to ensure that employees clearly understand what is expected of them. Ask for feedback and give opportunities to ask questions.

Work output could relate to: * performance standards (KP!s, KRAs) * operational controls * financial performance * non-financial performance * customer service *

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