
Marijuana Addiction Research Paper

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Using marijuana can lead to the development of problematic use, known as a marijuana use disorder. This takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Data suggests that 30% of people who use marijuana have some level of marijuana use disorder. People who begin to use marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to have marijuana use disorder or addiction compared to adults.People that use marijuana daily have addiction rates between 25% and 50%. Dependence is usually associated with marijuana use disorders. When frequent users of marijuana quit using it, they feel physical and psychological discomfort, otherwise known as withdrawal symptoms. This leads many people to resume their usage. Dependence is when the brain adapts …show more content…

The signs of addiction are thinking problems, physical health problems, and mental health problems. When teenagers use marijuana, it affects the way their brains develop, reducing the way they think, learn, and solve problems. In the long term, marijuana use also correlates to lower intelligence. Smoking marijuana can lead to many lung related issues including chronic respiratory illness and cough. Furthermore, it can result in higher heart rates for up to 3 hours after use, potentially increasing the likelihood of a heart attack or other cardiac issues. In terms of mental health, marijuana can cause paranoia, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking, along with higher incidences of depression and anxiety, especially in …show more content…

Although there is no medication to treat marijuana addiction, therapy can often help in the process of rehabilitation. Many helpful therapeutic options work for substance use and addiction. Education and therapy are crucial for the supports of those addicted, just as they are for the addicts themselves, this helps to create a better environment for the user. Next Steps After Treatment
Beecause marijuana can be detected in urine screens four weeks after last use, drug tests can as strong deterrents to reusing the drug, especially when incentives are given for success. Classification Marijuana is categorized into a larger sector of drugs called cannabis. Cannabis exhibits a combination of stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogenic properties, leaning towards hallucinogenic or psychedelic. While tetrahydrocannabinol is typically considered the primary active component of the cannabis plant, certain other cannabinoids like cannabinol may also contribute to psychoactive

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