
Essay on Marijuana Addiction in Adolescents

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Marijuana Addiction in Adolescents

Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in the Nation and the world. In an article by Gray (2007) he states that “42% of high school seniors have tried marijuana, 18% have used it in the past 30 days, and 5% use it daily. Among adolescents aged 12 to 17, 3.6% met criteria for cannabis use disorder (abuse or dependence) and 2% met criteria for cannabis dependence”. Gray (2007) also explains how easily adolescents say it is to obtain marijuana these days. The article also states that there is evidence to prove that marijuana use may lead to “hard” drug use, academic failure, and more. With those who use marijuana chronically it may lead to impairing of the immune …show more content…

Since the DSM-IV has been released, significant evidence has been found that withdrawal from marijuana can be supported. Gray (2007) explains that symptoms of marijuana withdrawal may include the following “emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that include anger and aggression, anxiety, decreased appetite and weight loss, irritability, restlessness, and sleep difficulty. Less frequent but sometimes present are depressed mood, stomach pain and physical discomfort, shakiness, and sweating”. Withdrawal for marijuana and most substances usually occurs within twenty-four hours of termination. The symptoms of withdrawal may last from days to weeks. Gray (2007) states that recently adolescents have been the focus of marijuana withdrawal and there have been studies done to observe how adolescents act in a treatment center and on their own. Throughout the process of cessation of marijuana, cravings do occur, just like with many other substances. Gray (2007) says that “cravings and urges are considered to reflect the fundamental motivational processes that maintain continued drug use”. A paradigm was created to test cravings for marijuana on adolescents who have recently stopped using. In this paradigm a researcher presents cues associated with marijuana, for example: drug paraphernalia, the sight of someone smoking, the smell of the marijuana, etc. This has shown to increase cravings for the substance, also, a higher heart rate has

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