
Marxian vs. Positivism Perspectives

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Marxian vs. Positivism Perspectives Crime and deviance are issues that dominate the public’s imagination; the study of which involves a number of contributing disciplines, criminology, statistics, psychology, biology to name a few but the largest contributor is sociology. There have been major changes in the way Sociologists perceive and study deviance over the years. In this essay the author will briefly compare and contrast the perspectives of Marxian and Positivism as they relate to the issues of crime and deviant behavior. The author will offer her opinion as to which perspective she feels best relates to her understanding of crime and deviance. According to Goode (2011), deviance is an analytic category; humans evaluate one …show more content…

A core belief of Marxism was that crime was inevitable in capitalistic cultures because competition led to exploitation.
Despite individual criticism, both perspectives hold that crime and deviance is damaging to society. This author’s beliefs, with regard to crime and deviance, tend to align more with the Marxism perspective than that of Positivism as her views take more of a constructionist approach. She believes that our modern day norms (laws) and their enforcement are every bit a social product. Marx wrote, “ … life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life” and while we know today that a much more complex and less deterministic relationship exists between the economy and our beliefs, the argument can still be made that ideas can influence the economy as much as the economy can influence ideas and that the many institutions, religion and politics are equally capable of adding to that influence (Goode, 2011).
Crime and deviance are issues that continue to dominate the public’s imagination and interest. Numerous disciplines such as criminology, psychology and biology have all played a role in trying to understand its causes but the largest contributions have come from the field of sociology. Two perspectives, Marxian and

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