

Decent Essays

A pod of family psychiatrists is sitting around and chatting about the state of family psychiatry. They are preparing for a plenary at the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry with the goal of showing how far family psychiatry has come since the first psychiatrists embraced the paradigm of systemic thinking. They also are debating why family psychiatry is ignored in current practice, especially since the evidence shows that family treatment dramatically improves recovery rates for many illnesses.

When family therapy had its first wave of popularity, the charismatic leaders were out front wowing the crowds. Dr. Sal Minuchin's sessions were heavily focused on structure and boundary making, and involved much chair rearranging and …show more content…

Patients, families, and psychiatrists all demand treatments that have been shown to work well. Family psychiatry has moved from theatrical showmanship to evidence-based treatments. Within a broad range of family interventions are different levels of family involvement. Family inclusion is the easiest intervention--simply involving the family members as historians, supporters, and allies in treatment.

Second, family psychoeducation has amassed a substantial evidence base showing its efficacy in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and many medical illnesses, such as diabetes.

Last, but certainly not least, are the family systemic therapies, which, in a meta-analysis of family systems therapies, were defined as "any couple, family, group, multifamily group, or individual focused therapeutic intervention that refers to either one of the following systems-oriented authors (Tom Andersen; Dr. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy; Steve de Shazer; Jay Haley, Ph.D.; Dr. Minuchin; Ms. Satir; Dr. Mara Selvini Palazzoli; Dr. Helm Stierlin; Paul Watzlawick, Ph.D.; Michael White; and Gerald H. Zuk, Ph.D.), or specified the intervention by use of at least one of the following terms: systemic, structural, strategic, triadic, Milan, functional, solution focused, narrative, resource/strength oriented, McMaster model" (Fam. Process 2010;49:457-85).

Family systems therapy has

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