
Simpsons Family Therapy Essay

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Family Referral Today I received a referral from a family who is seeking help regarding their dysfunctional family structure. The Simpson’s are a nuclear family that is having difficulties living as a family. I have already spoken to Marge Simpson and agreed to find a way to get her husband and children to therapy. She has very high aspirations of attending therapy with her family because she has longed for a “normal” functioning family in which her husband and children interact in a much healthier manner than they do now. She described her husband of being careless, her son uncontrollable ate times, and her daughters disconnected from the family. We have set up the meeting for next week, Wednesday at six, when she believed her family …show more content…

For this particular session Marge sat with her baby in the couch, her son sat as far away from the family as he could, her other daughter also sat on the couch but not close to Marge or the baby, and her husband sat on the recliner way from her family as well. I tried to break the tension that I felt in the room by asking the family how they were doing but I only got an answer from Marge and a smile from her older daughter, Dad and son didn’t seem to want to take part. I then asked each one to introduce them-selves. The first one to speak up was Marge; she introduced herself and her baby Maggie who is one. I could tell that Marge was nervous about therapy and her baby was just being a baby. The next one to speak up was Lisa, Lisa seemed shy but was very polite as oppose to Homer her dad and Bart. Both Homer and Bart seemed to resemble each other; they were careless and bored about being in therapy. During the first session boundaries and ground rules were set. In this session my goal was to get to know the whole family and learn about each of their concerns and what they each wanted to gain from therapy. I went around the room and asked each one to describe how each one viewed their family structure as a whole. I let Marge begin since she seemed to be the most eager one in starting family therapy. Her main concerns were having her husband’s support, her son’s

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