
Moneyball Essay

Decent Essays

There were two concepts that stuck out to me while watching Moneyball. The first concept is treat people like professionals. There was professionalism throughout the whole movie. One particular point that stood out for this was how Billy learned and showed the team how to be a leader. As Billy was talking with Peter he said that he needed to treat the players like professionals. If you do this then they will respect you and listen to you. There were many obstacles throughout the movie, but Billy did not let that bring him down. The players controlled their own behaviors, yet still managed to act professional no matter what the circumstance was. They didn’t care if they didn’t fit the stereotype of being a baseball player they just cared that they were playing the game and staying professional about it.

The second concept I saw throughout the movie was adapt or die. I got this concept because in the movie Billy had stated, “We either adapt or we die” when he was talking to one of the head scouts. By adapting or dying, I think he finally realized that if he wants these teams to do well then changed are to be made. It was only the start of something new for this team. Billy saw that something wasn’t right and decided to fix it. There was also the concept of adapt or die in the …show more content…

It’s almost as important to adapt to new changes then it is to still follow our old footsteps. We have to be willing to accept change in any way, shape or form possible. Leadership isn’t easy, but as a public health career it means we but take risks and make personal sacrifices. As we can see from Billy, leadership is always about willing to take one for the team and challenge ourselves to our greatest potential even when you think it may not work out. Public health educators make great leaders, but we need to remember that there comes a time when we have to think about those around us and not just about

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