
Motivation Concepts

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Why do people explore the unknown? Research explores that the operands of curiosity and exploration are motivational drivers. Motivation can be defined as the arousal, direction and persistence of behavior. (Franken, 1994) Motivation is an internal state or condition that activates behavior giving direction towards one's desire or want. The motivational drive is a basic or instinctive need associated in the effort of behavior directed towards a goal-oriented cause. Curiosity is central to motivation for exploratory behavior. Curiosity has been referred as a "passion for learning" and a motivational drive in approaching a characteristic form of behavior in exploring the unknown in acquiring new learning.
Motivation that encompasses …show more content…

The reward system influences motivation primarily through the perceived value of the rewards and their contingency on performance (Hickins, 1998).
Practical applications in the workplace where companies have increased employee control in making their jobs better have increased productivity and better job satisfaction. Redesigning processes or changing chain of command will promote the employee to have greater control over their workload. As our company review team processes, we have shifted a responsibility that I have maintained over many years to a client-focused team which will provide a more efficient and standardized way in implementing portfolio reviews to internal committees. As I am in the process of turning over to a three member client team the application of putting together 15 committee books, this approach will motivate me to balance my other workload and strive to handle other job duties more efficiently and more productive. As my job shifts to other responsibilities, I am motivated and driven to learn new processes enabling me to be a better employee and an asset to the company.
Empowering employees in having greater control over their work processes and give input to their manager level in improving work applications, produces higher productivity levels and quality of work. Employees, rather than simply follow directions from supervisory levels, can have control over their work processes setting targets and goals in managing their levels

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