
Motivation in the Classroom

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Motivation in the classroom plays an important part. There are many reasons why motivation is important and there are many different things that effect a student’s motivation. A student outside or home life may affect the student’s ability to perform in the classroom or the students social life while at school. When a teacher is trying to get his or her class motivated about learning there are many things that her or she needs to take in consideration. Teachers should make sure that they know their students, get to know their likes and dislikes. Use this when teaching a lesson, if your students are active try and incorporate an activity that involves them being active, if there are students that like technology use the computer in your …show more content…

In many cases the students are not motivated, as Aaron states that some students are motivated but many are not, I would suggest that Aaron takes some time to get to know his students. Learn what their interests are and how they learn. “Not all students are motivated by the same values, needs, desires, or wants. Some of the students will be motivated by the approval of other, some by overcoming challenges.” (Davis, 1999, para 2). Good examples are to create different ways for the students to learn the activity or lesson. If you have students that are motivated by visual effects, create something that attracts them, the same for students that learn better by being creative, create an activity that would pertain to them, and for students that are very active, involve them in something that has to do with them moving around. . Aaron could also try to get the students excited about the lesson, by being creative and making up a fun way to get them involved. Set the example in the classroom, if your students see that you are excited about a lesson then they will be curious as to why. It’s the same the other way around, if you show that you are bored by teaching a lesson then the students will be bored. Show them that you are interested and they may surprise you by

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