
My Parents Killed Santa and Nobody Cared vs. In Defense against Grafitti

Decent Essays

People often have different opinions and views toward stories or news articles they have read. My Parents killed Santa and Nobody Cared (Santa) by Dakshana Bascaramurty is an essay that tells the story of how a child was shocked to learn from the parents that Santa was unreal and did not exist. On the other hand, In Defense against Graffiti (Graffiti) by Alex Boyd discusses the positive of graffiti. Between the two, the story Graffiti by Boyd is a much better article because it is informative and exciting to read. For some time now there has been controversy on weather graffiti stands out as an art or not ever since it began to appear in a number of galleries worldwide. The reason Alex Boyd’s “Graffiti” is a better essay is because it seeks to distinguish between retrogressive instance of graffiti and positive especially in the messages that they put forward.

According to Boyd, through Graffiti is essential to understand as a form of art that crosses the boundaries of location, method, and motivation. He acknowledges that graffiti might include “racist remarks, empty slogans and illegal signatures.”(Boyd 251) Boyd’s piece is also very informative because according to the author, there are two methods for creating this form of art: murals and tagging. The most popular one is tagging because it can be found almost everywhere from fence posts to trains, street walls to buses. The main goal of graffiti writers is to put their signature tags in places to be recognized by their

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