
Negotiation Reflective Essay

Decent Essays


Through the in-class activities about negotiation, I observed the significant influences that different negotiation tactics have on the result of the negotiation in the workplace. In the activity, I was assigned to play the role of manager Dale Williams who is facing with the challenge of persuading two of his subordinates to wear safety glasses without causing any conflicts. The whole play was reflecting and educational, and I was inspired by having an actual negotiation with my employees and also by observing the others doing the process.

An evaluation of whether the activity provided you with insights on your natural preferences for different types of influencing tactics;
Comparisons and connections between: (1) …show more content…

As the results of the legitimized appeal tactics, Pat Taylor obeyed however Chris Johnson refused and a conflict was potentially caused.

Although the negotiation turns out to be a half failure, my insight on natural preferences for different types of influence tactics is improved. First of all, before engaging in a negotiation, you have to clearly know what the ultimate goal is for the negotiation and all those bargaining skills and tactics should centre on the objective of the negotiation. Second, knowing your negotiation partner well is extremely important and could play a significant role in reaching the goal. Comparing to my prior knowledge, knowing your partner of the negotiation is definitely a noticeable oversight. Thirdly, after all those preparation work, appropriate influence tactics should be selected to match the characteristics of the other party in the negotiation. For this point, I was much inspired when I saw the others doing the negotiation and they were good at analyzing the negotiation partners and taking advantage of their subordinates’ weakness. For example, one of my classmates used emotional appeal to force Pat Taylor to spontaneously obey and wear the safety glasses by saying that taking the risk of losing the ability to look and see his grandchildren is not wise action and this is because that Pet always talks about his grandchildren. To deal with

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