
Nurse Patient Ratios In Health Care

Decent Essays

Discussion Appropriate nurse staffing in health centers is very critical to patient well-being and safety. This, therefore, means that inappropriate nurse staffing results to patient’s dissatisfaction, and consequently complaints. From the literature review, multiple studies have established a relationship between the number of complaints registered from patients and the number of nurses attending to the patients in question. An optimal level of staffing will ensure that duties and responsibilities are well shared among nurses about the patients that have to be attended to. Conditions that could be prevented such as pneumonia, pressure ulcers, urinary tract infection and post-operative infections were inversely related to RN skill mix and nurse staffing. Similarly, it was reported that lower level of …show more content…

Different research studies in different settings have constantly given consistent results when trying the hypothesis of patients’ complaint about nurse patient ration. Multiple studies have found out those patient complaints increases with an increase in the ratio of nurses to patients and decreases with a decrease in the ratio of nurses to patients (Buerhaus, Staiger &Auerbach, 2009). The patients that a nurse has to attend to at a given time are directly related to the number of nurses that are in a facility, and the number of patients present. Many patients and few nurses mean that a nurse has to divide his or her time to attend to all patients, and this will consequently result to dissatisfaction, hence complaints from patients. If a health facility is to reduce complaints significantly from the patients, then it would be a wise idea for the human resource department to ensure that there is an optimal level of nurse-patient ratio. In addition to this, the facility has to keep the nurses motivated for better

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