
On-Site Childcare

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The approach to the research on the topic of on-site childcare benefit bases its results on scientific findings. Using scholarly articles what were peer reviewed, and analyzing the findings of experts within the field, while comparing the situation at our two locations. In addition, we solicited the input of the workers with the formation of focus group comprising of members of both staffs from the Rockville and the main campus. This group represented all levels and categories of staff. The aim of the focus group is to communicate with their category of workers and articulate their concerns as it relates to the establishment of an on-site childcare service. The report also utilized documents, such as workers time clock records, to …show more content…

They further stated that is increase is due in part to an increase in the number of dual career families, single parent family and this increase in demand is further aggravated by a shortage of affordable, quality childcare services. They studied the impact of absenteeism and tardiness because of family, work conflict in working families, and found that the concerns of childcare needs is directly related to high levels of absenteeism and tardiness. (Goff, S, et. al.), concluded that a parent’s satisfaction with childcare is closely related to their work outcome. Kossek, E. E., & Nichol, V. (1992), argue that on-site childcare service is now routinely provided by 12% of US companies having a staff of approximately 100. Based on their extensive research of two hospitals, like Children they concluded that the more workers using onsite childcare the less problem there was with childcare needs and that these workers were more positive. This is also supported by (Schandl, K, 1992) who reported that employees with on-site childcare have less absentees, less tardiness and that the service was positively influenced the workers’ decision to remain with the organization.
The …show more content…

Based on the findings from experts and our own independent research, it is the finding of this report that the provision of on-site childcare service as an additional benefit to workers who qualifies would reduce the high level of absenteeism, tardiness, and the resulting low productivity level. Companies that sponsor childcare program believe that their contribution significantly helps increase recruiting potential, morale, productivity, and quality. This report recommends:
• The provision of on-site childcare service to our Rockville and Main Campus within 1year
• Offering childcare subsidies for those who cannot use the facility
• Offering flexible work schedule to reduce the level of absenteeism and tardiness
• The provision of designated lactation rooms for breastfeeding

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