
Patient Safety Improvement

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According to the AHRQ: National Healthcare Quality Report (2009), the goal of quality of health is to help people stay healthy, learn to live with a disability or chronic disease, recuperate from an illness, and deal with dying and death. However, instead of delivering health care services that are safe, patient centered, equitable, and timely. Many patients do not receive needed care. When care is received many times it is unsafe or too late
In general, there is a need for patient safety improvements. However, the good new is, that there have been some slow improvements, including a better foundation to address patient safety. A good example is the annual Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) survey designed to help healthcare organizations compare their safety record to other health care organizations. Over 600 hospitals participate each year in the volunteer survey. The results of the survey provide a baseline to track and evaluate patient safety interventions (Para. 15). …show more content…

702, 2009). There has also been an improvement in event reporting thanks to the Federal Government's creation of the Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) such as AHRQ that was developed under the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act.
Healthcare professional training has also improved. A good example is the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) program that was developed to focus on improving patient safety , quality improvement, transitions in care, supervision, duty hours oversight, fatigue management and mitigation, and

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