
Personal Action Plan for Nutrition and Diet

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Introduction The first step in preparing an action plan for nutrition and diet begins with an analysis of my past records on these things, and of the changes that I made over the course of the semester as I became more aware of these issues. The first study was done during January at the beginning of the semester, and the second study of my nutrition intake was done in at the beginning of March. These two studies are the basis of my nutritional plan, and a similar methodology was used with respect to the exercise plan. Nutritional Plan In January, my diet proved to be moderately unhealthy. On several counts, I missed the target levels for a person of my gender and age. I took in slightly more calories than the target 1724 per day versus a target of 1600. I also ate more protein (55g versus 46g) and far more carbohydrates (256g versus 130g). My fiber intake was low (10g versus 25g). My saturated fat was 10% of total calories, whereas the target should be lower than 10%. My cholesterol was within the target range, so was one of the few things that I really did not need to change. I noted deficiencies in a number of vitamins in the January study. Calcium was only 0% of target levels, and potassium was well less than half of target levels. My sodium count was with the acceptable range, but just barely. I had deficiencies of iron, copper, and magnesium, but did acquire my recommended intake of phosphorous, selenium and zinc. I fell short on Vitamin A, Vitamin C, E, K, and

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