
Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

Decent Essays

Climate change also known as global warming, is the rise in the Earth's surface temperatures. Even though the rise in the Earth's surface temperature may be slight it can still have a wide range of effects on ecosystems, rising sea levels, severe weather events, and droughts. A staggering amount of scientist believe that climate change is caused mainly due to the human use of fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are used, carbon dioxide is released along with other greenhouse gases into the air. Those gases trap the heat within the atmosphere. Some examples of ways humans use fossil fuels are oil, coal, and natural gas. Humans depend on theses fossil fuels to function everyday life. For example we use these fuels to heat our homes, run our vehicles, and are used in the power industry to produce electricity.
Climate change is a worldwide issue. Not only is firm action and leadership critical in the United States, but also international efforts need to work toward reducing emissions. Strong public demand for climate change is crucial to enact effective global warming solutions for the future. Unless immediate action is taken, climate change will continue to escalate and continue to affect the entire planet. Ways nations and individuals can help repair the earth's atmosphere is reduce air pollution, use green energy, stop deforestation. Reducing air pollution could have a dramatic effect on climate change. Humans could impact this reduction by simple things such as conserving

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