
United States Government's Decision To Combat Climate Change

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“Scientists’ overwhelming conclusion is that climate change is happening and human activity is the primary culprit,” (“Climate Change”). The world we live in is falling apart more and more every day. Pollution; Global Warming; Climate Change; These are all problems that caused by people who have come forward in recent years, one of the biggest issues is climate change. The United States government needs to take aggressive steps to combat climate change because scientist have warned that if the climate changing progresses at its current rate, it could have disastrous consequences for life on Earth. Data shows that climate change is linked to rising sea levels, droughts, an increase in the risk of extinction of many species, and the increase in severe storms. With all the issues that are connected to climate change we are not doing enough to try to counteract the lasting effects it has on our environment.
Many plans created in an attempt to counter climate change in hopes to prevent things from getting worse, or at least slow down the speed these problems are progressing, have the potential to cause many problems of their own. These plans could cause a decrease in the number of jobs available which then would increase unemployment. Unemployment in the United States is high as it is, many people want to do as much as possible to help create more jobs for people. This is a very reasonable concern and would cause many people to be against a plan that could potentially cost

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