
Gun Violence In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

An evolving and highly debated problem that continues to grow in our society, is the gun control epidemic. Gun violence in America is a national epidemic. Many people carelessly take advantage of Gun use and manipulate the tool without much thought to any repercussions. Many lives have been loss due to people legally or illegally obtaining guns and taking matters upon themselves to be executioners in holding other people's lives in their hands. Specifically, ongoing gun violence in schools have become a horrific catastrophe. It is putting student lives at risk, in a place that is supposed to facilitate a certain level of safety for the students. According to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, there was 558 gun incidents in schools …show more content…

I think that Freire connected many things amongst education, to politics. So, in this case of mass causalities due to gun violence, I think he would really want the government leaders step up and take more initiative in controlling this problem. I also believe Freire would see society as a source for the continuous gun violence in schools as well. As society, we sit and watch our evolution come undone by acts of violence through guns that facilitate destruction. Freire stated that "It is necessary that the weakness of the powerless is transformed into a force capable of announcing justice". (Freire, 2015). Freire is saying that, as a society we can't complain about the tragedies that happen in our country, but sit back and do nothing out of fear that we don't have enough power to make a change. We have to take action and speak up for what is right, for justice to prevail.
Due to so many school massacres, different precautions are being executing within schools. Active shooter drills have become a frequently practiced precaution at schools. It is important that students know the correct procedures to follow in case someone brings a firearm on the school premises. The deliberation of whether teachers should be allowed to be armed at school is now underway. In some states like Texas, many schools allow their teachers to be armed in school. I

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