
Persuasive Essay On Medical Marijuana

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Cannabis is a popular topic amongst teens, adults and medical doctors these days. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, pot, weed and hash can be quite controversial across America, since you have those who disapprove and those who condone its use. You might know someone who uses it, or maybe you have even tried it before. They say more than 1 in 3 people in America have tried marijuana at one point in their lives (Web MD). As of 2017, 29 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana to some extent (Healthline). Recreational use of marijuana has been legalized in 8 states, with the age restriction being 21 years or older (CNN). Reasons for its use can vary from social to medical. Some people who have tried it did it because they knew someone who used it for medical reasons and assumed it is safe to use. Others have used it because of peer pressure or to relieve stress. Whatever the reason may be, there are effects that can be helpful or harmful. Cannabis contains the chemical compound delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC, which is believed to be responsible for most of the characteristic psychoactive effects of cannabis (Drugs).
Marijuana can be smoked, mixed into foods or inhaled with a vaporizer. Smoking pot causes THC to be absorbed into your body immediately. Eating or drinking it takes much longer, since your body needs to break it down before it enters your bloodstream (Web MD). Using marijuana has been connected to paranoia, anxiety, depression, short-term forgetfulness, lung cancer and even heart attacks. It can complicate medical conditions like liver disease, low blood pressure, or diabetes. Some people use it to calm their anxiety or to escape their problems, but research shows a link between marijuana use and mental health problems (Web MD).
Marijuana has also been linked to lower testosterone levels, sperm count and quality in men who are heavy users. Therefore, they may suffer from low libido and fertility. If a mother uses it while pregnant their baby may develop memory, concentration and problem-solving skills (Web MD).
Though addiction is considered rare, it is very real. About 30 percent of marijuana users develop marijuana use disorder. Symptoms of withdrawal

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