
Progeria And Eukaryotic Analysis

Decent Essays

Progeria is a rare disease that affects the nuclear envelope (lamina), and makes the nucleus unstable. It is caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene that produces an abnormal protein. This abnormal protein is called progerin, and it causes the process of premature ageing in an individual.
Eukaryotic cells contain a sphere-shaped nucleus that protects the genetic information (DNA) and separates it from the cytoplasm. The nucleus itself is protected by a double membrane called, the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope is made up of nuclear membranes, nuclear lamina, and nuclear pore complexes. The nuclear lamina is the sturdy protein that gives the nucleus its structure and shape. As well as providing structural support, “the nuclear lamina is required for most nuclear activities, such as chromatin organization, DNA replication, cell cycle regulation, nuclear positioning within the cell, assembly/disassembly of the nucleus during cell division, as well as for modulating master regulatory genes and signaling pathways.” (Baek, McKenna, Eriksson; 2013) The ability of the cell to …show more content…

(Progeria Research Foundation; 2003) Normally, the amino acid produced is lamin A, but when progerin is produced it gains a high liking for the nuclear membrane, causing disruptions to the nuclear lamina. Without lamin A, the nuclear lamina cannot provide the structural support for the nuclear envelope, causing it to take on an abnormal shape. This causes a huge strain for cell division; without the support that the nuclear lamina usually provides, the organization of chromatin for mitosis is disrupted and cell division is limited. When cells use progerin, they start to break down easier. Progerin builds up in many cells of the individuals, causing them to grow up faster than normal. Because of this the rate of ageing is 8-10 times faster than

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