
The Structure Of Eukaryotic Cells

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Describe the Structure of Eukaryotic Cells
You can identify a eukaryotic cell by its encased nucleus, containing the majority of its DNA and organelles surrounded by a membrane. Plant and Animal cells have double membranes and a housed nucleus therefore they are eukaryotic cells; organisms which do not contain a double membrane and an encased nucleus are known as prokaryotes, e.g. bacteria. The eukaryotic cell is made up of many membrane bound organelles which all have a specific function.

The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell holds the majority of the cells DNA material, the nucleus is often referred to as the ‘control centre’ of the cell as it uses the DNA to direct all other activities within the cell.
The nucleus is a round, dense and the largest of the cells organelles, making it the easiest organelle to identify. The nucleus needs a protective membrane in order to keep the cytoplasm separate from the genetic material it holds.
One of the main functions of the nucleus is that it is responsible for protein synthesis, which is vital for the process of life continuing and the production of hereditary characteristics within an organism.

Summary of Protein Synthesis DNA is used indirectly as it must stay complete as a permanent stockpile of genetic information. Encoded DNA within the nucleus is transported to small molecules of nucleic acid named messenger RNA (mRNA) mRNA takes the genetic information to ribosomes free in the

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