
Pros And Cons Of Smartphones

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Smartphones have become an ubiquitous item across the globe and with them a ubiquitous societal problem. Since the introduction of the first smartphone in 2007, the world has changed for better and for worse. Never before had information been able to spread so quickly and easily. Since the smartphone’s genesis, the accessibility to information, communication and smartphones themselves have only been innovated upon to make the world wide network we have today. As technology increases and the competition between manufacturers escalates, more and more people obtain a smartphone. There are advantages to the globalisation that smartphones have achieved, though it is not all for the better. The explicitly observable drawbacks to the use of smartphones have proven them to be a hindrance to the wellbeing of society. People as a whole justify their actions in any way that they can. This justification muddles our perception of what is really happening to ourselves and the environment around us. An addict does not want to see himself as an addict. An abuser does not want to see himself as an abuser. A shopaholic does not want to see himself as an addict to consumerism. We do not want to admit our faults even though others see them and bring them to our attention--it is instinct to defend ourselves and justify our actions. The same is with smartphones. The evidence is all around us as most people in the United States have a smartphone, yet we rationalize why we need smartphones. In

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