
Pumpkin Eater Analysis

Decent Essays

It is interesting to notice how Sandra Cisneros uses the image of pain in her dramatic monologue “Pumpkin Eater” to show how the narrator’s husband drastically pushed the narrator to an extent. She became sick of their relationship, growing numbness to the pain that he makes her face. Sandra Cisneros writes “Pumpkin Eater”, based on a nursery rhyme called “Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater’. The hidden meaning of the nursery rhyme is that there is a cheating wife, who is murdered by her husband, then hid in a pumpkin shell, because he couldn’t hold control of her. This poem gives the same vibe of the meaning that the nursery rhyme gives out. The difference between this poem and the nursery rhyme is that the narrator’s husband is the one who can’t be held in control of. The wife felt trapped in this predicament with her husband where I assume as if she felt useless because her effort on fighting for him wouldn't make a change to his actions. She uses terms such as anarchist, machete, and trouble, making a statement as if she is convincing herself that she is not an advocate of such things and it is her reason for bringing up Saint Lucy, in order to convince herself (and readers) otherwise. It is implementing a soft, angelic tone that contradicts being rebellious and fierce. She says, “I keep inside a pumpkin shell. There I do very well. Shut a blind eye to where my pumpkin eater roams”(ll. 19-22). The pumpkin shell is the narrator safe place, where she acts naïve when the pumpkin eater, her husband, is running around with other women. The husband is referred as the pumpkin eater because even though he not physically killing her like the nursery rhyme, he definitely is killing her emotionally. The narrator says, “I’m no hysteric, terrorist, emotional anarchist”(ll. 16-18), referring to how she going to let him go about his business without being an emotional crazy wreck, nor feeling the need to have to call him in the middle of the night while he out. It’s interpreted that each stanza in this monologue is an explanation of her current predicament; convincing her husband that she is not the one in their relationship that is being unfaithful, “I’m not the kind of woman who telephone’s in the middle of the night, who told

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