
Pumpkin Lab Report

Decent Essays

By day one everyone should have brought in a pumpkin to start their experiment on. The first step is to take measurements on the pumpkin, they include weight (lbs.), waist (in), and count the number of grooves. All of the data found should be recorded into the table given. Following that we are to cut open the pumpkin, scoop out the inside, and begin to count all of the seeds found inside. After completing counting the amount of seeds you will record the number collected in the table as well. Once all of the data was collected from our pumpkins we were to share it with the other classmates so they could have all of the other data as well. The next day we began to carve our pumpkins in the designs each group chose. Later we would receive the …show more content…

This conclusion has been made by interpreting r and r2 within the problem and comparing them with the other explanatory variables. First, “r is a measure of correlation between two variables”, so this means the closer r is to one the closer the two variables relate. Also, “r2 is a measure of how well a regression line approximates the data points and a r2 of one indicates that the regression line fits perfectly”, so again the closer this value is to one the better the correlation. In this we will be using the explanatory variables which are the weight of the pumpkin, the pumpkins waist size, and the amount of grooves the pumpkin has. The response variable is the amount of seeds each pumpkin has. The two variables that had the least correlation with the values being r=.5743 and r2= .3298 were the pumpkin’s weight to the pumpkin’s seeds. Next with the least correlation was the pumpkin’s waist size to the amount of seeds with values of r=.5898 and r2=. 3479. Finally, the pumpkins amount of grooves and the number of seeds with values of r=.6751 and r2=.4558. The values of r and r2 show that the amount of pumpkin grooves is the best predictor of the amount of pumpkin seeds because it has values that are closer to one compared to the

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