
Research On Narcissism

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Survey of Recent Research Narcissism ranges from healthy and normal to pathological and severely malevolent, it is denoted as a far- reaching disorder of the self- esteem. There are several identifying characteristics that individuals with this disorder posses. They are mostly, but not all: being self- centered, constantly seeking admiration and attention, being boastful, and believe that they are overall entitled to special treatment (Ronningstam, 2009).
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders define narcissism as a “pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood”. According to the DSM- V, there are nine characteristics that narcissistic persons display: 1)Unrealistic …show more content…

Impairments in self functioning- A. Identity (the need for constant admiration from others to boost self- esteem) or B. Self- direction (making goals only to get approval from others); 2. Impairments in interpersonal functioning- A. Empathy (unwilling to recognize the feelings or needs of others) B. Intimacy (failed or negative relationships); Pathological personality traits through Antagonism- A. Grandiosity and B. Attention seeking (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The DSM- V is the main criteria that is used to diagnose individuals with narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder, despite the many disagreements about the lack of empirical support. Nonetheless, there are treatment options that are available to those who become diagnosed with the disorder. The key approach in treatment for narcissistic personality disorder is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is used to help those struggling with narcissism learn how to relate to others, encourage/ build more positive functional relationships, and gain a better understanding of themselves (Callaghan, Summers & Weidman, 2003). However, successful treatment for those living with narcissistic personality disorder may take many years of psychotherapy to see a breakthrough. It can take years for change to occur because these specific personality traits were developed over time and has become their

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