
Rhetorical Analysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

Rhetorical Analysis “Letter from Jail”

On April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter to the eight clergymen while he was incarcerated. Dr. King wrote this letter to address one of the biggest issues in Birmingham, Alabama and other areas within the United States. The “Letter from Birmingham Jail” discussed the great injustices that were happening during that time towards the black community. Dr. King wanted everyone to have the same equal rights as the white community, the he went into further details about the struggles that African Americans were going through for so many years, which he felt like it could change. Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, expressed his beliefs and his actions about the Human Rights Movement. Dr. King wanted to end segregation and he also wanted equal rights for everyone, but he was told by the clergyman that the movement was “unwise” and “untimely”. King explained that there will never be a right time for change in this society with bringing equality and justice to us all. Dr. King was told many times to wait which prolonged his protest and marches. King became frustrated because people were being mistreated and …show more content…

If the church of today does not recapture the sacrificial spirt of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, and lose the loyalty to millions. King also disrespected the church by conveying his point and demonstrating the future of the church, if people are not taking action. In King’s letter he gave his opinion on the praise that some of the folks were giving the Birmingham Police, some were addressing them with what they saw in the situation. King uses his personal experiences from the situation that he was in to show proof from brutality of the police force. By doing this, he was able to bring out the emotions and it allowed his readers to feel their

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