
Royal Dog Research Paper

Decent Essays

I have discovered the Graffiti writer Royal Dog real name; Chris Chanyang Shim came from Korea, which I find he produces meaningful projects. While he was growing up, since 2nd grade he liked drawing. Around 4th grade he learn Hip-Hop through a copy of ‘Hip Hop’, a manga that introduced him to b-boys and graffiti. He had an admiration for the culture. He was attending an art school and focused on drawing and animation at school until one day, he just started doing graffiti. At the time, graffiti was on the cultural radar and he wanted to represent a part of Hip Hop culture. Years latter Shim decided to travel across the US to search for new free space and atmosphere to paint. At his first stop in Bronx, New York, he painted his three favorite rappers, Jay-Z, T.I., and Big Pun. People reacted to the mural with enthusiasm, and Shim was soon invited to California to display his artwork further. …show more content…

Shim explains “I was inspired by a simple thought that those two elements will go beautifully and uniquely with each other.” Calligraphy and flowers frequently appear in traditional Korean paintings are additional elements that accentuate the harmony. As Martyn Reed suggested, street art practices need to evolve beyond what has become expected, to make urban interventions meaningful again. To represent Afro-Korean women, or if they are simply black women reimagined in traditional Korean attire. The murals, which appear in both California and Korea, often include inspirational text. One reads, “a flower has bloomed” another “you will be a blessing.” Through his graffiti art, Shim realizes the ideal portrait of multiculturalism. It is not the unusual combination of a black woman wearing Korean traditional outfit, but how the two get along with each other effortlessly. The harmony in his murals suggests the direction our multicultural society should progress

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