
Safeguarding Children

Decent Essays

Understand How to Safeguard the Wellbeing of Children and Young People.
Question 1
We use legislation, guidelines and policies and procedures to safeguard children. It is important that we use these guidelines as it does affect the way we treat and protect children in our care. Here are some guidelines, legislations and policies and procedures: * The children Act 1989 for England and Wales * The children Act 2004 * Children Order 1995 – Northern Ireland * Working together to Safeguard Children 2006 * Keighley Community Nursery Safeguarding policy
Question 2
Safeguarding is much more than just protecting children from direct abuse. The staying safe action plan recognises a number of important aspects in the wider …show more content…

Question 8
Partnership working in the context of safeguarding, is the working together with agencies and professionals. The importance of partnership working with runs through every aspect of safeguarding from government legislation to local working.
One child could have several people involved in their lives that work in partnership together: * Health visitor * Child health clinic * GP * Hospital * Child minder * Nursery or school * After school club * Leisure groups – football or brownies * Social worker * Police * Family * Friends * Neighbours * Local community
It is important for these particular people to work in partnership to ensure a child has the correct care, attention given or even action plans put into place to encourage every aspect of their learning and development and general up - bringing.
Question 9
Here are some different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed, and their roles: * Social services – have a statutory responsibilities to provide support to vulnerable children and families in need. This may be after a death or when families are finding everyday life difficult. Most social workers are employed by social services. * Health visitors – have a responsibilities for the health of babies and

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