
Similarities Between Han China And Imperial Rome

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These two great empires Imperial Rome and Han China both had highly advanced political structures. These two empires both had highly political structures because Not only that but both of these two empires held on and retained many aspects from their previous empires or systems, like the Han Empire used aspects from the Qin dynasty while Imperial Rome used aspects from the Roman Republic. Another big similarity in these two EMpires was that they achieved great architectural achievements. The two empires in many ways were also different. One of the things that they differed in was their religion but their religion wasn’t always so different. In early Imperial Rome, their main religion was called socialism. While on the other hand, the …show more content…

Within the Roman Empire, Christianity was banned and Christians were punished for many years. Feeding Christians to the lions were seen as entertainment in Ancient Rome. In AD 313, the Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal and for the first time, they were allowed to openly worship. Churches were quickly built not just in Rome but throughout the empire, The main beliefs of Christianity The belief of one god, so it was monotheistic and the god that they worshipped was not the emperor so that is why the emperor was upset. The religions started out fairly similar to each other but as I said earlier when there imperial Rome's religion changed there was really no more similarities in the two empires religion.
Han China and Imperial Rome have many similarities in how they were run for example in Imperial Rome and Han China the two EMpires both had Emperors and another thing was that they had a bureaucratic government. Another similarity was that both societies were patriarchy type Empire and they were similar in how they elected their officials. The way they did this was that in the Han Dynasty if people wanted to become part of the bureaucracy then they would have to take the Civil Service Test and based on how they did higher up people would decide if they are allowed in China’s bureaucracy. Over in Imperial Rome, they did not

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