
Slavery During The Civil War Essay

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‘Modern’ slavery in America began in 1619 when the first wave of slaves, were brought from Africa to a North American colony in Jamestown, Virginia. From 1619 to 1807 (when The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves was made) according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Database 12.5 million african were shipped to America. Prior to this slavery had existed as early as 1400 in europe. In America their sole purpose was to facilitate the production of lucrative crops such as Tobacco and cotton. By the 18th century this form of labour was exercised throughout a majority of the American colonies in the plantations, as it allowed for a very large economic profit, which southern America became dependant on. By the 19th Century with America’s westward expansion and the growing abolition movement, a debate was provoked over Slavery that would eventually lacerate the already deteriorating ties between the north and south in the Civil war. Although the victory of the north ‘freed’ 4 million slaves, the repercussions of slavery continued even after a century in the civil rights movement. There are a range of perspectives from the past and present, however most extremists whom were for slavery came from the past and in contrast most extremists whom are against slavery exist in the present. At the time, in the south the majority were for Slavery as it was their ‘way of life’ and it was the backbone of their economical system. In the North there was a lot of grey area, as some believed it was

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