
Slavery: The Three Causes Of The Civil War

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Cause of the Civil War was slavery; however, some think that the Civil War was caused by multiple causes known as pseudo causes. The 3 so-called causes are states’ rights, tariffs, and sectionalism. These causes are all dependent on the slavery. This dependence makes this a pseudo. Slavery is the main reason that caused the war. The north didn't want slavery but the south wanted to have slaves. The north thought that slavery was a cruel thing to do humans or any living thing. The southerners didn’t think slaves as human beings or living creatures, they thought of them as property and didn’t have a mind of their own. The slave owners didn’t think that slavery was something bad, but it was actually something horrific and cruel. The southerners didn’t think of slavery as something bad or something cruel. They grew up thinking that slaves weren’t living things …show more content…

There was an idea that if states have enough power to agree and disagree lays and what laws they would follow in the state. The south claimed they have enough power to leave the union to leave the union. They said this because they want to stay as far away from laws that could end slavery, so if they left the union they did they wouldn’t have to worry about a law being passed to end slavery. This means that the south is scared of slavery being abolished. Since the whole entire south depends on slavery, and slavery is abolished then everything in the south would be destroyed. States can choose what law to follow and can leave the union. The south wants to pick their own laws to follow and not follow the laws of the north. If the south follows other laws then they wouldn´t have to follow laws that would abolish slavery. The south wants their own laws is because they don't want to run into laws that will threaten the south from abolishing slavery. The states’ right pseudo cause is connected to slavery because states’ rights was a reaction from the north about

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