
Smoking Vs Smoking

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According to the CDC, cigarette smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, which accounts for roughly one in five deaths annually (CDC 2017). With so many deaths attributed to cigarette smoking, tobacco harm reduction is important for the health and well-being of the population. New and emerging technologies, such as electronic cigarettes, have paved the way to living a healthier, smoke-free, lifestyle. E-cigarettes use a heating element to vaporize a mixture of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine, and flavoring to simulate traditional smoking. These devices first appeared in China in 2003 but quickly spread across the world and into a multi-billion-dollar industry. With more and more people switching to e-cigarettes, it is clear that e-cigarettes are better than smoking because of the health benefits, their viability as a smoking cessation device, and the booming open source vapor industry.
Critics are quick to dismiss the health benefits of vaping, but science has proven that vaping is far healthier than smoking cigarettes. It is a well-known fact that tobacco combustion causes heart disease, cancer, and stroke. E-cigarettes do not involve tobacco combustion, which means that e-cigarette vapor does not cause any of these ailments. Toxin levels in e-cigarette vapor and risk of long-term harm are low (Royal College of Physicians 79). One of the other deadly aspects of traditional cigarettes is the negative health effects of

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