
Soles4souls Non-Profit Organization

Decent Essays

There are many charities all across the nation doing good and helping those less fortunate, but not all charities actually do what they say they do. Not all charities are bad, some just get some criticism and receive a bad reputation which will hurt the program extremely. If a charity gets bad rep, then people who are normally willing to donate is a little more hesitant since there has been reports of them going against their word. Soles4Souls is a non-profit organization that began in 2006, distributing over 26 million pairs of shoes in over 127 different countries (Home-Soles4Souls), but has received criticism of selling their shoes for profit instead of giving them to the more unfortunate people in the world. (Smietana). Although the general …show more content…

Since 2006, Soles4Souls has been working to get the less fortunate shoes. Shoes is a very important thing, a mile walk to the well to get water without shoes could be a back breaking journey but with shoes it seems to be just another one of the days small tasks. Soles4Souls has also teamed up with Macy’s, they both decided on a goal of giving out 50,000 coats in the year of 2013. They did it and since then Soles4Souls and Macy’s has kept their partnership and have gave out a total of around 130,000 coats nationwide (Home-Soles4Souls). Their organization is located in Nashville, Tennessee where they are ranked 40th out of the top 100 highest populated metro areas according to the National Alliance to End …show more content…

They have been proven to help people out in their time of need like when hurricane Katrina hit and they were giving shoes to the Americans who needed help. Although they have received a bad reputation with selling shoes instead of giving them to those in need they still have proved the world they are a great organization. Teaming up with the department store Macy’s they have given out so many coats nationwide to children that can not afford them. All of the people in the third world countries are very grateful for Soles4Souls and many of the other great organizations that help those less fortunate than

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