
South Virginia's Coal Industry

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“The coal industry has helped fuel this nation for 150 years, and coal can be used to heat our homes, power our economy, and protect our nation for at least another 150 years if we continue to use it.”- Tim Murphy. Coal has an interesting history in West Virginia, which has contributed significantly to the improvement and livelihood of West Virginians since its first discovery, which is now Boone County in 1742 by Peter Salley, more than a century before West Virginia, became a state. The coal industry has played a major role in the state’s economic, political and community history. The industry has also been a center of debate and the impact of unfounded criticism, giving rise to battles in the arenas of labor, environment and safety. Since 1742, West Virginia has provided our nation and the world with the finest coal found anywhere. As of today, West Virginia’s coal miners apply useful and effective mineral removal technology that makes other countries envy their counterparts around the world. West Virginia’s exports more coal than any other state in the country. West Virginia has more longwall mining systems than any other state. This leads the nation in underground coal productions and sets the pace for the rest of the industry in recovery and environment protection. At the same time, West Virginia coal industry displays a sense of responsibility for health, safety and environmental that is incomparable anywhere in the world. Over the years, coal has

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